"Excelling through results measurement, intelligent analytics, & Performance management."

RED Universal Consulting

Is a specialist consultancy that was originally conceived as a Research and Monitoring & Evaluation firm providing services to economic-development, governance, health, and education sectors. It has since expanded into a firm that provides additional bespoke services in Business Planning, Development, Strategy, Capital Raising, Deal-Structuring, and Project Support Implementation to power and renewable energy enterprises, stakeholders, and verticals within the international development arena. Now, a versatile and multi-pronged expert consultancy, RED remains singular in its development outcomes focus.


To be a world-class consulting firm that blazes the trail within the research, performance-management, and global development advisory sector, delivering exceptional-value to our clients and contributing constructively to their decision-making.


To assist the private-sector; local, state, and federal governments; academia; civil society; donor community; and multilateral institutions with an independent design, analysis, implementation, and evaluation of interventions, projects, programs, and initiatives in our chosen practice areas of sustainable development.

Practice Areas

  • Housing & Construction
  • Water-Systems
  • Power Generation & Renewable Energy
  • Rural Electrification
  • Rural Development & Micro Enterprise Livelihoods
  • Agro-Business
  • Urban & Rural-Education
  • Good-Governance
  • Health Systems

Our Values

  • Character & Service
  • Cooperative-Synergy
  • Innovation
  • Prudence
  • Equity, Inclusion, & Sustainability

Our Promises

  • Intellectual-Curiosity and Rigor
  • To Understand the Causes of Things
  • Original-Thought & Creative-Edge
  • Spirit of Excellence
  • Reduced-Risk
  • Value-Added
  • Competitive-Advantage
  • Breakthrough-Leadership